Accredited Investor Advertised Offering under 506(c) of Reg. D

Raise capital with Accredited Investor-only Advertised Offering under 506(c) of Reg. D

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506(c) advertised offerings make it easier for companies to tap into a diverse network of investors and leverage new technologies to raise capital quickly and cheaply. For businesses looking to raise capital, doing so through a 506(c) advertised offering under Regulation D can be a smart choice. Rule 506(c) permits issuers to broadly solicit and generally advertise an offering, provided that all purchasers in the offering are accredited investors. Under the 506(c) exemption, the securities being sold do not have to be registered with the SEC, and they do not have to be registered or qualified by state securities regulators, which saves businesses time and money. Thus, 506(c) advertised offerings make it easier for companies to tap into a diverse network of investors and leverage new technologies to raise capital quickly and cheaply.

.506(c) advertised offerings under Regulation D are a somewhat recent development – before 2013, there was a prohibition against the general solicitation and advertisement of private placements. In 2012, Congress passed the 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act). The Act was intended, in part, “to reduce barriers to capital formation, particularly for smaller companies.” Today, in order to ensure that investors have access to information to conduct their own due diligence on a company before entering into deals to purchase unregistered securities, Rule 506(c) requires certain limited disclosures, and limits investment to “accredited” investors who are seen as more savvy and able to bear risk. In addition, sellers and third parties contracted to conduct advertisement are still subject to federal securities antifraud laws as well as state notice filing requirements, fees, and antifraud investigations and actions. Finally, third-party advertisers are subject to Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933, which requires advertisers to publicly disclose the source and amount of consideration received for their work with specificity. A 506(c) advertised offering under Regulation D can be an excellent capital-raising vehicle for businesses, but it should not be conducted without the advice and counsel of those with knowledge and experience in private offerings, including attorneys. VenturePlans has worked with X clients to provide such services, and our team is excited to help more eligible businesses utilize this unique exemption to raise capital. Contact us at 8555-VENTURE or schedule a consultation to learn more.

506(c) of REGULATION D

We help you navigate complex laws and regulations surrounding SEC Reg D 506(c) so you can successfully raise capital from unlimited accredited investor and up to 35 other purchasers.

Raise capital from
accredited investors under



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  • Industry Market Reports

Let us connect you with accredited investors for your capital raise.

We Have Helped 1,500+ Clients Structure Private Offerings With 150+Million Raised From Accreddited Investors

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  • 15+ Years in Operation
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Venture plans is organized, efficient, and knowledgeable in the cybersecurity and data encryption sector. They helped us prepare for a 15 M capital raise.

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Ajay M. - CEO. Seccom LLC


We couldn't find an experienced consulting firm in Oklahoma City at the time with the level of experience we were looking for. When we found Venture Plans, they revamped our entire software development cycles, helped us with our crowdfunding strategy, and offered new insights on our company direction.

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Secure funding with verified accreddited investors.

506(c) PROCESS

Revenue Growth Consultation

Revenue Growth Consultation

The first step in the growth process is an initial consultation where we review your business and goals. Ventureplans™ experienced team of advisors and business consultants will assist your management to develop tailored revenue growth strategies and comprehensive growth services.

Growth Strategy

Growth Strategy

Our consultants will produce effective strategies for revenue growth, which include identifying opportunities for expansion, entering new markets or expanding your presence in existing ones, developing an optimized pricing strategy and distribution channel, and improving branding. Combined, these methods increase profitability and establish a foundation for long-term growth.

Implementing Your Growth Strategy

Implementing Your Growth Strategy

Once Ventureplans™ develops a comprehensive growth strategy, our team will guide you every step of the way to ensure a sustainable approach to revenue growth. Utilizing the outlined action items, we can work together to optimize your business from day one.



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Raise capital with confidence.

Arleo Dordar

Arleo Dordar

Founder & President

Arleo Dordar is the Founder/CEO, investor, and product architect of Ventureplans™. Arleo is a visionary with a strong leadership background. He has assisted various Fortune 500 companies in scaling, restructuring, organizing, and developing sustainability plans for 4500+ businesses across 150 industries globally, resulting over $100 million dollars in investments. Arleo's expertise is in the implementation of revenue growth, execution, financing and digital transformation. Arleo engages in high-level discussions with startups, small businesses, and enterprise level organizations to gather and analyze big data, understand trends, and proactively deliver insights, recommendations, and drive improvements based on qualitative and quantitative metrics in to enhance operational efficiency, sales, marketing, and branding to achieve financing goals. Arleo is fluent in English and Farsi.

Arleo Dordar_icon
Amaris Olguin

Amaris Olguin

Senior Business Analyst & Lawyer

Harvard and Yale Alumna, Fulbright Scholar, Fluent Spanish speaker, Proficient in Mandarin and in Hindi. Amaris has 8+ years of business experience. She brings deep expertise in business consulting, strategic planning and financial forecasting. As a lawyer, her primary focus is corporate law. Amaris works closely with clients on the development and execution of business strategy. She specializes in writing business plans that have resulted in large investment accomplishments.

Amaris Olguin_icon
John Varley

John Varley

Corporate Legal Counsel

John Varley is admitted to practice law in California, Including the California Supreme Court, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, United States Tax Court, and the US District Courts- Southern, Central, Eastern and Northern Districts of California. In the area of Corporate and Bankruptcy Law, John has personally filed more 2,500 successful cases through the Federal Bankruptcy Court System. John is one of the few attorneys to have trained and certified in the three separate training trips to North Carolina under the preeminent bankruptcy litigator, Oliver Max Gardner. He received his Juris Doctor from Thomas Jefferson School Of Law In 2007. John Varley is a Certified Public Accountant (Delaware) and earned an MBA with emphasis In Finance from San Diego State University In 1989. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree In Economics from UCLA In 1984. He is a member of Mensa High IQ Society.

John Varley_icon


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