Ventureplans™, your dream starts with us.

Private Equity Services

Why do investors invest in private equity?
Because it performs better than other investments.

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Private Equity Services OVERVIEW

It’s a perfect time to start a private equity fund. As the global economy bounces back from COVID-19 and the U.S. experiences ballooning job growth and stimulus payments from the Federal Reserve, valuable but COVID-impacted businesses are eager to draw outside investment. The disruption caused by the pandemic will undoubtedly yield a renaissance of innovation and revolutionary shifts in the market and our society. And with private equity firms continuing to see high returns, there has never been a better time to start your own.

The VenturePlans team has extensive industry knowledge, analytics, and a wide network of investors and founders to provide market intelligence inaccessible to most other firms. We work with clients to identify businesses that require low capital maintenance and earn dependable profits. We’ll help you navigate private equity fund development or private equity investment as a solo investor, fund disclosures, smart selection of distressed companies in key industries for your investment portfolio, legal structure of your investment vehicle, investor portal set-up, and more. Contact us at 8555-VENTURE or schedule a consultation to learn more.


Exceed your investing goals with top US private equity consulting services. Expertise in fund launch, fund administration, and Leverage buyouts.

Who do you hire to do
leverage buyout models?



  • Investor Business Plans

  • Market Research Reports

  • Investor Pitch Decks





With decades of cumulative experience, we are uniquely qualified across a range of industries.



Ivy-league trained management consultants, seasoned legal consultants, certified valuators and analysts.


Data-driven Analytics

Insights and recommendations based on qualitative and quantitative metric.

Data-driven Analytics


By top Fortune 500 CEO's nationally and globally.



  • Business Strategy
  • Legal Advisory
  • Financing
  • Technology
  • Internship & Externship
  • Invest in Private Equity
  • Investor Relations Software (AI)
  • Industry Market Reports

Are You An Investor looking to start your fund?

Get your Private Equity business plan in 5 days; expedited options are available.

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  • 15+ Years in Operation
  • 4750+ Projects done
  • 3 Offices
  • $650 M Capital Raised


FINRA, CFI Institute, Harvard, Certified Valuators and Analysts.

Completed Applications in 3 Days.


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See how we’ve helped our clients achieve their business goals.


Venture plans is organized, efficient, and knowledgeable in the cybersecurity and data encryption sector. They helped us prepare for a 15 M capital raise.

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Ajay M. - CEO. Seccom LLC


We couldn't find an experienced consulting firm in Oklahoma City at the time with the level of experience we were looking for. When we found Venture Plans, they revamped our entire software development cycles, helped us with our crowdfunding strategy, and offered new insights on our company direction.

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Allan H

Secure fund capital
with Venture Plans


An accurate business proposal that outlines your private equity business model

Define The Fund Strategy

Define The Fund Strategy

While raising capital for a fund is perhaps easier than ever due to online tools, large amounts of capital, and the recent JOBS Act passed by Congress, fund managers still need to demonstrate extensive strategy and a smart investment sense to succeed.

Venture Plans will work with you to define your investment strategy, pick your fund type, pick which sectors or geographies to target, and develop a capital raising strategy.

Fund Business Plan & Operations Setup

Fund Business Plan & Operations Setup

Your business plan is your biggest selling point to potential investors. Our data analysts will conduct consumer and market surveys to shed light on average consumer demand, identify our funds secret sauce for acquistions, your fund model and future headwinds and opportunities, and other information relevant to executing successful investments.

Venture Plans can also create custom AI tools that will analyze macro and micro market data to provide industry intelligence and investment insights on an ongoing basis. Your business plan should detail cash flow expectations as well as fund timeline, leverage buy out models, targeted companies, management fees, carried interest, and legal disclosures. We’ll also help you establish internal and external operations to ensure that everything runs smoothly once the fund is live.

Establish the Investment Vehicle

Establish the Investment Vehicle

A central step in establishing your fund is selecting the fund’s legal structure. This is often a general partnership, limited partnership, or a limited liability company (LLC).

This decision has long-term implications for decision-making and assumption of liability within the firm, so a consultation with VenturePlans legal advisors is recommended.

Determine Fund Fee Structure

Determine Fund Fee Structure

We’ll work with you to decide fund provisions such as management fees, carried interest and any hurdle rate for performance, and manager compensation.

While the rate varies depending on experience and track record, managers generally receive an annual management fee of 2% of committed capital from investors. We’ll also help establish compliance, risk and valuation guidelines. Please note fee structure varries between an ERA vs IRA.

Raise Capital For Fund

Raise Capital For Fund

This stage requires the greatest amount of careful document preparation to pull off. We’ll work with you on your offering memorandum, subscription agreement, partnership terms, custodial agreement, and due diligence questionnaires. Then, you’ll be ready to pitch your fund to investors.

Fund managers will be expected to contribute 1% to 3% of the fund’s capital, and banks often contribute 80% of the total funds capital.

Communications & Marketing

Communications & Marketing

Marketing both before and after your fund launch will help you to gain traction and attract attention from investors. VenturePlans can provide a full suite of custom marketing tools and products for your use.

This includes constructing the all-important investor portal through which you’ll engage and update investors.


Private Equity Fund Formation Process

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Our Finra and Harvard-accredited Industry Consultants have decades of cumulative experience preparing private equity business plans that helped fund managers raise capital.

Arleo Dordar

Arleo Dordar

Founder & President

Arleo Dordar is the Founder/CEO, investor, and product architect of Ventureplans™. Arleo is a visionary with a strong leadership background. He has assisted various Fortune 500 companies in scaling, restructuring, organizing, and developing sustainability plans for 4500+ businesses across 150 industries globally, resulting over $100 million dollars in investments. Arleo's expertise is in the implementation of revenue growth, execution, financing and digital transformation. Arleo engages in high-level discussions with startups, small businesses, and enterprise level organizations to gather and analyze big data, understand trends, and proactively deliver insights, recommendations, and drive improvements based on qualitative and quantitative metrics in to enhance operational efficiency, sales, marketing, and branding to achieve financing goals. Arleo is fluent in English and Farsi.

Arleo Dordar_icon
Amaris Olguin

Amaris Olguin

Senior Business Analyst & Lawyer

Harvard and Yale Alumna, Fulbright Scholar, Fluent Spanish speaker, Proficient in Mandarin and in Hindi. Amaris has 8+ years of business experience. She brings deep expertise in business consulting, strategic planning and financial forecasting. As a lawyer, her primary focus is corporate law. Amaris works closely with clients on the development and execution of business strategy. She specializes in writing business plans that have resulted in large investment accomplishments.

Amaris Olguin_icon
John Varley

John Varley

Corporate Legal Counsel

John Varley is admitted to practice law in California, Including the California Supreme Court, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, United States Tax Court, and the US District Courts- Southern, Central, Eastern and Northern Districts of California. In the area of Corporate and Bankruptcy Law, John has personally filed more 2,500 successful cases through the Federal Bankruptcy Court System. John is one of the few attorneys to have trained and certified in the three separate training trips to North Carolina under the preeminent bankruptcy litigator, Oliver Max Gardner. He received his Juris Doctor from Thomas Jefferson School Of Law In 2007. John Varley is a Certified Public Accountant (Delaware) and earned an MBA with emphasis In Finance from San Diego State University In 1989. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree In Economics from UCLA In 1984. He is a member of Mensa High IQ Society.

John Varley_icon


Do you have any questions about our Private Equity services?

What is private equity fund formation consulting, and why would I need this service?

How do you tailor your private equity fund formation services to meet the specific needs of clients?

Can you provide examples of successful private equity fund formations you've assisted with in the past?

What are the typical costs associated with private equity fund formation consulting services, and how are fees structured?

How do you stay updated on the latest regulations and industry best practices related to private equity fund formation?

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